
June 20, Apeldoorn start times

As of writing this I'm not sure if there is a RC, please use Fisgard to starboard and the flag pole on Duntze Head to port as the start line if there's no RC. Please announce to the fleet via Channel 9 your crossing of the line at start and finish (GPS time). Record your rounding times and finish times. If Bill White (Rangatira) is on course, please provide him with your times or email to me for results. Remember, first to finish is the winner of this race as your start time makes allowances for your handicap.

Old Jack and Jill, now Double Handed Special Race Sunday June 13

The Jack and Jill Race will now become purely a double handed race. Skippers' meeting via VHF on channel 9 at 1100 or if 10 or less meet in a socially distance fashion up on the club lawn.  Race to start at 1200. As of writing this we have no race committee, if no one steps up (I have a class so can't do it) the skippers as a group will decide a start finish line and course and then record their own GPS times.

Looking for women racers

We have some exciting news: CFSA is interested in developing and sponsoring a competitive women’s keelboat team with the purpose of entering the Canadian National Keelboat Regatta this fall in Hudson, Quebec. While the FRC will provide some support to the team there will be some financial requirements for the successful teammates; in addition to practicing and competing the teammates will be required to assist in the maintenance of the sailing vessels used and to contribute time towards fundraising for the team.

In brief:

Updated muster and launch times

Our commodore had a conflict so we need to push all the timings ahead by 15 minutes in order for him to be in position. Please note who's in your group, self organize in single file to sail past and then continue to sail away from sail past area or return to the docks.

10:00:00 AM
10:45:00 AM

Off Watch (tug)
10:00:00 AM
10:45:00 AM
Group 1

10:00:00 AM
10:45:00 AM

Trivial Pursuit
10:00:00 AM
10:45:00 AM

Learn to use a sextant with Bert TerHart May 29 via Zoom

Ahoy boaters of CFSA, we are pleased to announce an excellent opportunity for our membership to join Bert TerHart via Zoom as he educates us on the use of a sextant.

Bert used his sextant, watch and paper charts in his record making voyage around the world through fog and ten metre waves. His safe return to Victoria speaks to his expertise at using a sextant.
