Membership Application Information

Come Join Us!

Membership in the Canadian Forces Sailing Association (CFSA) is open to all Regular serving forces personnel. Qualifying Membership information for Regular, Ordinary, Associate, Junior and Outport is outlined below. Members of CFSA Esquimalt must reside within the catchment area. Contact the Membership Chair for additional information.

Regular Member: In accordance with Special Activity Interest (SIA) Policy the following persons are eligible for REGULAR membership; members of the Regular Force and their families, members of the Reserve Force and their families, former members and their families, foreign military personnel on duty with the CF and their families.

Ordinary Member: Excluding persons eligible for REGULAR membership as defined above and subject to approval by the Base Commander ORDINARY membership will be approved for one year with guarantee of renewal for further one year terms. The following persons are eligible for ORDINARY membership; DND Public Service employees/full time contractors (for the period of their contract) and their families, former DND Public Service employees receiving a pension for DND service and their families, staff of NPF, CF and their full time contractors (for the period of their contract) and their families, former of NPF, CF receiving a pension for NPF service and their families, serving members of the RCMP and their families, serving members of the Canadian Coast Guard and their families, members of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, or other security force when employed at a CF location and their families, staff of the C/MFRC and their families.

Associate Member: Subject to approval of the Base Commander or his/her representative; any person not specified in the paragraphs above may be invited to become an ASSOCIATE member. ASSOCIATE membership shall be approved for one year with no guarantee of renewal for further one-year terms and may be renewed upon approval of the Executive Committee.

Junior Division Member:  An individual acceptable for membership under any of the above categories, who is between the ages of seven and nineteen may be approved as a Junior Member. Junior Members are eligible to take part in the activities of the Junior Division and shall be governed by the rules laid down in Annex B while so doing. Junior members, on reaching the age of nineteen, must apply for Adult Membership under the existing membership rules and categories.

Outport Member: Members in good standing of CFSA who wish to remain members of the CFSA while residing outside the Victoria/Esquimalt area. This privilege will only be granted on application to the Executive Committee through the Membership Committee

CFSA Esquimalt Catchment Area

CFSA Membership Application


Pay CFSA membership fees at CPAC 2610 Rosebank Road, Colwood 250-363-1009