Leslie's blog

PHRF Certificate and Race Registration Time!

Greetings racers and happy New Year. It's that time again and racers have a few tasks for the start of the year to be eligible for racing and trophies. Please note the following decisions made at our racers' meeting in December:

1. We will be racing around the buoys and distance races as 1 combined division know at the "Fleet".

2. As per our Sailing Instructions you do not need a PHRF certificate to race (just a club handicap) but to be eligible for trophies you must have a current PHRF.

2024 Racing Calendar and Race Committee Sign Up Sheet

Greetings Sailors:

It's time to think about next year's racing, remember PHRF certificates and new racing registration forms must be presented in January 2024. PHRF certificates will be required for those wanting to compete for trophies. Boats may race with a club handicap but will not be entered into standings for trophies.

New racers are encouraged to come out and we plan on having a series of talks "Racing 101" for those interested or new to racing after races on Sundays in the Fleet Club.

Here is the link to racing registration:

Racing resumes September 11, start time 1200

Greetings Skippers, racing begins again on Sunday. I would like a Zoom meeting with all folks on Friday prior to discuss the state of the fleet and to brainstorm some ideas to keep our sport alive at our club. Please join me on Friday.

Canadian Forces Sailing Association is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Canadian Forces Sailing Association's Zoom Meeting
Time: Sep 9, 2022 07:30 PM Vancouver

Racing Resumes May 18

Good news racing skippers, racing will resume May 18 at 1830. There will be growing pains with our Lang Cove location. For you and your crew parking is available on base after 1600 hours. Please consider picking your crew up on B dock rather than using a shuttle boat. As we have lost some of our racing fleet we may make a single start. Past Commodore Chris Maier will be RC for next Wednesday and we will need someone to step forward for the following weeks.


Greetings skippers, we are pleased to announce that for the awards night on February 18 at 1900 hours we can gather at the club, with the bar open, vaccination passports in hand and our faces masked! Before you get ready to bedazzle your mask and shine your shoes, we request that you RSVP if you are attending and the number of folks joining you. This event will also be held over Zoom and there is a limit to how many we can have in the house.

